Thursday, 5 December 2013

progress and my final silkscreen edition.

I Screened my first background colur. I then did a purple through the doily screen, I then blocked out some of the doilys and screened the rest in blue.
This image had to go over the doilys in a lighter colour yet still alow the doilys to come through on her skin.

I then exposed this image of a hippy girl with twigs and fethars in her hair onto the screen.

My final edition of 8.

Monday, 2 December 2013

Photography based class:sequence series

I did my photography sequence on doors.I took pictures of interesting doors all different shapes and forms around limerick.I had no problem developing my images or putting them on the contact sheet but i did have difficulty exposing them on photographic paper and developing them. They turned out foggy and like ALFRED HITCHOCH style.

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Silkscreen progress

These where my background images aswell as an a3 sheet smaller than the a2 doily pattern.The cut out doiys are to represent the mandalas that i have been working on.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

experimenting with Photoshop and digital media for my protest project

my first photoshop.

I decided to work with mandalas which represent peace and the serenity with nature.I decided to photohop my own mandalas and see what i could come up with.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

My lithography edition

I messed up the first color of my lithography print. i loved the textures on the stone however when the ink was applied it didn't give the textures i needed.I redid my first color and i wasn't sure about the textures so i decide to put another colour on top again. I then put my final color on top which was smaller bees. I liked the contrast between my etching the big bee and unrealistic honey comb and the litho with the natural sized be and natural honey comb.

If i was to change anything about this piece i would change the color to a more yellowy brown.

Friday, 8 November 2013

New brief : Protest by silkscreen

So i didnt want to do the agressive and angry protest. In my art i love color and happiness in my artwork so i choose to do hippies and peace within my work i began with exploring flower power, enviroment and the protest for life.

thumbnails on my silkscreen.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Start of lithography

We basically had demonstrations for last week. After our demonstrations we had to prepare our stone and paper ready to draw on the stone.


My experimental prints and final edition.
Final edition.

My edition 

My wall